Talent and Legacy Intersect in Midtown
Sometimes, a city intersection unites more than everyday traffic. It can also unite world-class talent, top-level craftsmanship passed down and perfected over generations, and businesses both local and regional-all in shared pursuit of adding something profoundly valuable to our city.
That's 42nd and Leavenworth. An intersection, elevated to art.
This transformation started over a year ago when UNMC and Charlie Graham swapped land so UNMC could expand to the northwest corner, which now serves as the "front door" to the campus. The corner features benches, a grassy area and beautiful ceramic pillars by artist Jun Kaneko.
Signworks was brought in to manufacture exterior signage for the intersection and the soon-to-open Davis Global Center. We worked with major players such as Kiewit, Olson & Associates and Alley Poyner Macchieto on the design and installation.
The project was anything but standard. Every square foot was given conceptual thought and attention-such as using the same Angel Hair Stainless Steel on the movement signs that was also used on the building. Standard aluminum would have been used in most cases.
The northeast corner of the instersection is the home of the new Davis Global Center which will be the headquarters for UNMC iEXCEL. Architectural artwork has been incorporated into the exterior design of the Davis Global Center, including a screen wall created by A. Zahner Company, a renowned architectural metal company based in Kansas City. UNMC also worked with Zahner on the Hope Tower. The three-story art piece on th exterior of the Davis Center is constructed out of their trademarked Angel Hair Stainless Steel, which is developed to soften the high-reflectivity of standard grain finishes.
Zahner supplied the material for the sign and we worked closely with them throughout the design and installation. We previously worked with Zahner on a project at Marian High School, and we share history with the company-you could say we're related.
Today 42nd and Leavenworth represents a crossroads of multiple generations, bound together by a single project. It's a symbol of unbroken dedication to good work, breaking paradigms, breaking sweats, honoring traditions and tricks of the trade that only experience can master-everything that makes a vendor, capable of splendor. After all, Zahner, originall known as A. Zahner Sheet Metal Company, is a four-generation, family-owned company. Signworks Inc. is a four-generation, family-owned business.
Leo Zahner, son of the A. Zahner company's founder, Andrew Zahner, married Allie Dorsey, the great-aunt of Signworks company leaders Gaby Ryan and Mikaela Layson.
Marriage brought our families together generations ago, but it is our shared commitment to providing excellent customer service at the highest quality products that makes collaborating with them such a pleasure for us.
We extend our congratulations to UNMC on their campus expansion and we look forward to working with them again in the future. Here's to the shared pursuit of great work that benefits people many lifetimes from now.
POSTED IN: Exterior, Illuminated, Healthcare, Monument, Family Owned